Over three years of doing annual reflections (quarterly as well) I wrote down the process that I created while doing it. Having a process to follow works for me, even though I often don’t use it or only refer back to it in the end for a check-up. So why on earth do I bother […]
Why it doesn’t matter what you think about yourself
> 6 minutes reading time > It doesn’t matter? But surely I need to think well of myself in order to pull off this life-thing? Loving others requires having loving thoughts towards myself, doesn’t it?And I need to belief I can, have confidence in myself, in order to build that new business, right? Not to […]
I am here to learn lessons. Really?
I am here to learn lessonsOnce I have learned what I need to learnThe bad things related to the lesson won’t happen to me anymore By a spiritual person Sounds familiar?It sure does to me.I have heard it in my own mind for decadesand nowadays I hear my clients say some version of it. There […]
Hard decisions – the making of .. made easier
Pro’s and cons. We weigh them. And then we decide. That’s how decision making works, right? If it is, then how come it sometimes takes so long, costs us so much head space and plagues us with doubt, even after we made the decision? Here’s why: we are not very good at the weighing part. […]
Plans are worthless. Planning is everything
– reading time: 6 min – In war, plans are worthless. But planning is everything. Said by various war lords This supposedly was said by Eisenhower, Churchill or Nixon and across the years it reached my ears via a client. What was meant by that was that the circumstances in war can be so unpredictable […]
The New Year’s resolution loop
Ever experienced going to the gym and having to skip working out on your favourite machine because it was never free? If you have, and are a long time gym regular you sigh and shrug because you will know this: just a few weeks and all these people are gone. Because I bet this was […]